I noticed there are different types of shooters,
which tend to have similar problems.
So I developed training plans for each character type
Which One Are You?
Simply Review Each Persona & Select
Any/All "Symptoms" That Apply to You
Upon Completion, I'll provide training recommendations
Signs & Symptoms
Check All That Are Applicable
Gun Jumps Around On You
Hard to find your sights
You have to wait for the gun to settle after each shot
You have to adjust your hands after shooting
You struggle to manipulate the trigger smoothly and fast
Check All That Are Applicable
Signs & Symptoms
Your fast but get penalties and misses
Feel the need to rush so you don't "feel slow"
You don't see as much as you should or confirm well
You struggle with speed and accuracy during transitions
You notice that you have muscle tension
Just isn't sure how to train to "clean it all up"
Signs & Symptoms
Check All That Are Applicable
You are generally slower than you like but often accurate
Afraid to let go and/or afraid of missing
Often over confirms or over analyzes
You don't fully trust yourself but know your capable
Not sure if your training properly for real results
Signs & Symptoms
Check All That Are Applicable
Feel you need specific guidance to reach the next level
Gun handling skills could use more work
Transitions need to be faster and cleaner
Needs to learn how to train for classifiers
Needs to learn how to perform under pressure
Needs learn to train for match results, not just dryfire results
Signs & Symptoms
Check All That Are Applicable
I am a marksman with a rifle, but this handgun thing is hard
Needs a straight forward, this is the way approach, to mastering the handgun so you can live up to your expectations